Posts with the tag “murray-ky”

Career Fair 2020 a Win Win for Jobseekers and Employers
by Melissa Thompson on January 15th, 2020
The WKWB hosted a Career Fair at the First Baptist Church in Murray on Friday, January 11, 2020 to assist not only the individuals laid off from Briggs & Stratton, but also the public.  Despite the inclement weather, attendance was significant, with nearly 300 job seekers who visited with 40 booths, which represented an array of employers/training providers....  Read More
Career Fair 2020
by Melissa Thompson on December 23rd, 2019
The West Kentucky Workforce Board invites you to participate in a Career Fair for Briggs & Stratton employees and other job seekers on Friday, January 10, 2020. The event will take place at First Baptist Church Family Life Center located at 203 South 4th Street, Murray KY 42071.Employers wishing to set up a booth at the job fair can sign up HERE....  Read More
CDC Special Service Hours
by Melissa Thompson on November 12th, 2019
The Career Discovery Center will have special hours on November 12, 13 & 15 to serve those individuals on the first Briggs & Stratton layoff. Staff will be on hand for those who still need assistance with UI, job search registration, computer help and questions.  Read More
Career Discover Center Opens Special Hours
by Melissa Thompson on November 1st, 2019
The Career Discovery Center will have special hours on November 4 & 6 to serve those individuals on the first Briggs & Stratton layoff.  Staff will be on hand for those who still need assistance with UI, job search registration, computer help and questions....  Read More
WKWB Receives $2.6 Million in Dislocated Worker Funds to Assist Employees of Briggs and Stratton
by Melissa Thompson on October 25th, 2019
On Thursday, October 24th Secretary Derrick Ramsey of the Kentucky Education and Workforce Development cabinet announced the award of $2.6 million in Dislocated Worker Grant funding to the West Kentucky Workforce Board to provide reemployment services to individuals impacted by the closure of Briggs & Stratton Corporation in Murray, Kentucky.On September 26, 2019, the U.S. Department of Labor Empl...  Read More
Briggs & Stratton Rapid Response Information
by Melissa Thompson on September 11th, 2019
The Kentucky Career Center partners will join in a Rapid Response Activity to assist individuals from Briggs and Stratton in Murray who are being laid off through no fault of their own. A variety of local, state and federal programs to assist with re-employment and career assistance will be presented to the workers. Dates will be shared.  Read More


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