Public Comment on FY 2022-2025 WKWB Local/Regional Strategic Plan

The West Kentucky Workforce Board (WKWB) operates under the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA), Public Law 113-128. As required, under WIOA, a comprehensive four-year local plan must be developed by the WKWB and the Chief Elected Officials. In addition, a regional comprehensive four-year plan must be developed by the West Kentucky Workforce Board and the Green River Workforce Board and submitted to the Kentucky Education and Workforce Development Cabinet. Below is the WKWB FY 2022-2025 (July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2025) Local/Regional Plan.

The WKWB is formally opening a 30-day comment period for anyone that wishes to read the plan and/or make comments. The final day that comments will be received is May 28, 2021.

Please submit all comments in writing to with the commenter’s contact information listed for a valid comment.

For additional information on the WKWB or its activities, please send a written request for information to the following: Sheila Clark, Director, West Kentucky Workforce Board at


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