Posts with the category “covid-19-updates”

Kentucky Career Centers Resume In-Person Services
by Melissa Thompson on April 16th, 2021
Appointments are now available for in person appointments at select Kentucky Career Center locations. These appointments are for individuals who need unemployment insurance or job seeker assistance.Special Instructions:• You must wear a mask at all times during the appointment.• Please remain in your vehicle until five minutes before your scheduled appointment. Due to concerns about the spread of ...  Read More
Employment Recovery: Jobseekers Wanted
by Melissa Thompson on August 24th, 2020
If you are a job seeker who is interested in participating in the Employment Recovery program, please watch this video. Various elements of this program will be discussed. You are welcome to contact one of the West Kentucky Workforce Board staff for more information....  Read More
Employment Recovery: Employers Wanted
by Melissa Thompson on August 21st, 2020
The WKWB is looking for EMPLOYERS to participate in Employment Recovery. Want to know more?   Read More
COVID-19 National Dislocated Worker Grant
by Melissa Thompson on July 1st, 2020
The Kentucky Office of Employment & Training was the recipient of a $6 million COVID-19 National Dislocated Worker Grant for assistance in response to the major dislocations and layoff events in Kentucky.  The West Kentucky Workforce Board received $551,108.40 of their requested $900,000.00 submitted in their proposal.  The WKWB hopes to utilize temporary employment and work experience related to ...  Read More
Kentucky Career Centers Remain Closed
by Melissa Thompson on May 14th, 2020
Keeping Kentuckians safe and healthy during the COVID-19 crisis is the number one goal for the Education and Workforce Development Cabinet. We are working with our partners to establish a timeline when we can safely offer in-person services at our Kentucky Career Centers. We have not yet established a re-opening date but will announce it as soon as it is determined. Stay safe and healthy. #Team Ke...  Read More
Unemployment Insurance Frequently Asked Questions During COVID-19
by Melissa Thompson on April 10th, 2020
Here is the latest FAQs list put out by the state. Please continue to call the Career Centers with questions and concerns. More staff are added daily to assist with the calls....  Read More
WKWB COVID-19 and Unemployment Insurance
by Melissa Thompson on April 7th, 2020
A guide to help you navigate the Kentucky Unemployment Insurance system....  Read More
Unemployment Insurance Quick References
by Melissa Thompson on March 27th, 2020
...  Read More
Applying for Unemployment Insurance Due to COVID-19 Pandemic
by Melissa Thompson on March 19th, 2020
Below is a video link and images to assist with applying for unemployment insurance. Some of the details in the video have changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but the basic steps are still the same. Please share with those who have lost their job due to closures from the virus. Also visit: for more details....  Read More
Career Center Service Changes Due to COVID-19
by Melissa Thompson on March 18th, 2020
Due to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak and an Executive Order by Governor Beshear, changes have been made to our manner of service in our local career centers. We wanted to provide you an update following the Governor’s Executive Order prohibiting any face-to-face services by State employees. Currently, this Executive Order will be effective at 5:00 p.m., March 17, 2020. The public will be abl...  Read More
OJT Changes due to COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
by Melissa Thompson on March 17th, 2020
Last week, as the preparation for COVID-19 began, the West Kentucky Workforce Board saw several of our businesses and industries implement strict visitor policies or restrict visitors altogether. For your safety and ours, it has been decided to change our OJT paperwork signature process. Email signature or scanned signature on OJT paperwork will be acceptable until otherwise noted.Please contact y...  Read More
WKWB Board Meeting March 31, 2020
by Melissa Thompson on March 11th, 2020
Please mark your calendars for the next West Kentucky Workforce Board Meeting on Tuesday, March 31, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. at Madisonville Community College.  To RSVP, please contact Cindy Massie at or at (270) 886-9484.  Thank you for your interest in the WKWB and its activities.   ...  Read More


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