Public Comment on 2019 WKWB Local Plan

Comments are no longer being accepted.

The West Kentucky Workforce Board (WKWB) operates under the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA), Public Law 113-128.  Section 108(a) of the WIOA requires local boards in partnership with the appropriate Chief Local Elected Officials to develop and submit a four-year Local Comprehensive Plan to the Governor.  It must identify and describe the policies, procedures, and local activities carried out locally that are consistent with the State Plan.

As required under WIOA, the WKWB developed and submitted Regional Innovation and Local Comprehensive plans for program years (PY) 2017 through 2020 with the Chief Elected Officials.
In compliance with WIOA’s two-year plan update requirements and to reflect changes in labor market, economic conditions or in other factors affecting the implementation, the Local Plan was updated for program years (PY) 2019 through 2020.  This local plan update aligns with the goals and objectives of the state strategic plan

The WKWB is formally opening a 14 day comment period for anyone that wishes to read the plan and make comments.  The final day that comments will be received is June 28, 2019.
All comments must be submitted in writing to: with the commenter’s contact information listed on the comment.

For additional information on the WKWB or its activities, please send a written request for information to: Sheila Clark, Director, West Kentucky Workforce Board, 300 Hammond Drive, Hopkinsville, Kentucky 42240.


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